Our Map Of Where We are Headed

Friday, May 30, 2014

Equipping ourselves with Six Flags passes!

So it truly was our first ride of the season. Making our way to Six Flags New England to get our passes, to visit all the Six Flags across the country was an interesting day to say the least. Starting with the fact that we went on a day when apparently all the high schools in all of Connecticut and Massachusetts were making their way to Six Flags. But even with all those kids there, we barely waited in line for more than 20 minutes, which is always awesome. We had to make it a short day, but it was great practice for our journey to come. Now we will be equipped with our summer passes!

I am a huge fan of amusement parks. I always have been. It's fun to see Ella and Katrin developing their individual loves / hates of amusement parks. Ella loves the variety of it all but could take or leave the rides. Katrin loves the adventure of it all. Katrin is still at the stage where she doesn't want to leave Ella behind, but I predict that by the end of the summer Katrin will be joining me on all of the rides, upside down or not.

My life lesson for today was never travel with only one GPS. You're never going to make it with just one map!

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